Posted by Justin.Voelker on 04/02/07 16:01
Can anyone clue me on on how to have my html page continue rendering
past a MySQL error? If you visit www.Base2WebDesign.com, click login,
type in anything for a username and password, then view the page
source. You will see that the page displays the error then just stops
rendering the html. (I know what the error is, I deleted that table
on purpose for a simple way to show you what I would like fixed.)
This doesn't cause any problems on this particular page (other than it
fails vailidation) but I some of my website I have other information
below those errors and even the remainder of the page. If it hits an
error I would like the remainder of the page to still be displayed,
just display the error and keep moving. Is there anyway to do this?
Thank you so much for anyone that can help me out!
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