Posted by James Hutton on 04/04/07 09:04
Toby A Inkster wrote:
> James Hutton wrote:
>> Currently I've got the dates in reverse order, ie, the oldest
>> at the bottom of the page and the latest at the top of the page. I did
>> this so that regular visitors wouldn't have to scroll down each visit.
>> Although on one level this seems the most "intuitive" I wonder what
>> other people would do?
> Ah, there's the rub. Certainly most blogs and such have their newest
> material at the top, so that it what people are probably most used to.
> However, there are a fre blogs that I read very frequently -- so if I want
> to read the articles in date order, I need to skim down the page to find
> the last article I read on my previous visit, then scroll up the page to
> get to each new article. If one particular article is fairly long, then
> I'll need to scroll down slightly to read to the end of it. So
> oldest-first certainly has its advantages too, and that's what most
> web-based forums use, so people shouldn't find that too confusing either.
> Whichever way you choose, I'd suggest including an RSS or Atom feed of
> your articles. That way, if people read your site regularly, and don't
> like the order you've chosen, they can use their feed reader to present
> the articles in a different order.
Toby, hadn't thought of an RSS feed, but that will have to wait until
I've had some sleep! Night shifts play hell, especially in the fine weather!
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