Posted by Toby A Inkster on 04/04/07 08:42
K.J.Williams wrote:
> I needed the CSS book becuase I dont know how to use CSS in HTML ,
> I know HTML but not the integration CSS which is now a standard among
> many businesses
If you've not been using CSS, then the chances are, you've not been using
HTML properly either.
> as for PHP , php in a nutshell was choosen as reference, and the
> other book published by wrox is to teach me.
I agree that it's usually a good idea to have several books on a
programming language to be able to learn it. PHP is the exception though.
Firstly, PHP changes so often -- normally in backwards compatible ways,
true, but I don't think I've ever used a language where new features and
new functions are being added on such a frequent basis. Books become
obsolete very quickly. If you take a look at these two books you've got,
I'd bet that at least one of them teaches you the old PHP4 method for
object-oriented programming. Although that still works, PHP5 objects are
vastly more powerful.
> HTML is a pseudo-programming langauge
HTML is not a programming language at all -- it's a data format, much like
JPEG or MP3 is.
> ditto for Javascript.
Javascript is a fully featured programming object-oriented language. And
(browser compatibility problems aside) is actually rather pleasant to work
with. It's a bit like C or C++ in syntax, but without the need to worry
about pointers and memory locations; it has a good object orientation
model, but isn't militant about making you use it like Java is.
> If and when Sunsoft develops a compiler that produce a independent
> machine code program from JAVA code, I might reconsider that langauge -
> that langauge is junk.
Consider it this way: a compiled C program will only run on the platform
it was compiled for. Say, for example, that you have a C program compiled
for Linux on the DEC Alpha processor. If you want to run it, you need to
buy a DEC Alpha processor -- they don't come cheap.
A compiled Java program will also only run on the platform that it was
compiled for. That platform is normally the Java virtual machine. So if
you want to run the program, then you need to buy a Java virtual machine.
Fortunately, they're free!
Whatsmore, there *is* a true compiler for Java -- it's part of the GCC
suite. See http://gcc.gnu.org/java/.
Java has many drawbacks, but device-independence is normally quoted as one
of its best features!
> But the most useful of all the programming langauges is assembly
Nonsense. A programming language is only as useful as what people can do
with it. Given a week, and experienced, say, C programmer can do a lot
more in C than an experienced assembly programmer can do in assembly.
Sure, it's fast, and at certain times it's worth the programmer time to
drop down into assembly and eek a bit of extra speed out of the program.
But those situations are very rare; unless you're working on compression,
encryption, high-end 3D graphics or kernel development, you're unlikely to
encounter such a situation.
> And that basically proves that there can be no such thing as copyright
> protection scheme or anything to prevent software duplication.
Summary: TC processors can be designed so that they refuse to run an
operating system unless it has been digitally signed. If you modify your
operating system, the signature will break, and you'll be unable to run
it; so for all intents and purposes, the OS cannot be modified. The TC
operating system similarly refuses to run a program unless it has been
signed; so for all intents and purposes, no programs can be modified.
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
Geek of ~ HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux
* = I'm getting there!
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