Posted by Allodoxaphobia on 04/04/07 15:39
On Wed, 04 Apr 2007 15:07:16 +0100, Tyno Gendo wrote:
> Prince of Code wrote:
>> I am trying to track the links that are clicked on a particular web
>> page.
>> Like a typical senario will be:
>> Track (Count) how many times the main links Home,Help,About,Login etc
>> are clicked.
>> At the bottom line i am planning to track(count) all the links <a
>> href-"">
>> how many times each one is clicked. My guess is javascript and cookies
>> would be helpful.
>> Let me know your valuble idea or thoughts on this implementation.
> Are you tracking per session, per ip, or other?
> You could store in a session if you only wanted to keep the stats for
> the live of that users visit, otherwise you will need to have some kind
> of unique id for that user and store stats in a database.
> If you had a user with a username/password, you could track in a
> database which sections they access, or you could have standard
> .htaccess type password and then use interrogate standard Apache logs
> based on the REMOTE_USER field.
One trick I use -- especially for creating _some_ stats for clients who
chose a web host without any stats ability and for ~userid accounts is
to place a _uniquely named_ totally transparent GIF on each page --
where the GIF is located on _my_ web host. At the EOM, I give those
clients the page-by-page fetch stats as the counts appear in _my_ stats
for each of the GIF's. Somewhat tedious and crude - for sure - but it
beats nothing at all.
Marvin L Jones | jonz | W3DHJ | linux
38.24N 104.55W | @ config.com | Jonesy | OS/2
*** Killfiling google posts: <http://jonz.net/ng.htm>
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