Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/05/07 22:14
Jerim79 wrote:
> I have been playing around with form validation. Here is what I have:
> <?php
> $Number=$_POST['Number'];
> $Email=$_POST['Email'];
> $error=0;
> if (empty($Email)){
> $msg2="* You did not enter your email address.";
> $error++;
> }
> if ($error>0){
> echo "<form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" method=\"POST\">";
> echo "<table width=\"700\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" align=
> \"center\">";
> echo "<tr>";
> echo "<td colspan=\"34\"><div align=\"center\"><strong>EDUCATIONAL
> SEMINAR SURVEY </strong></div></td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> echo "<tr>";
> echo "<td colspan=\"34\" bordercolor=\"#ECE9D8\" height=\"5\" align=
> \"center\" > <hr/> <br/> </td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> echo "<tr>";
> echo "<td colspan=\"34\">Before you begin the survey, could you
> please tell us how many seminars you have attened during the Atlantic
> City 2006 and the Las Vegas 2007 shows?
> ";
> echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"Number\" width=\"40\" />$msg1</
> td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> echo "<tr>";
> echo "<td colspan=\"34\" align=\"center\"><br/></td></tr>";
> echo "<tr>";
> echo "<td align=\"right\" colspan=\"15\">Please Enter Your Email
> Address: </td>";
> echo "<td width=\"480\" colspan=\"24\"><input type=\"text\" name=
> \"Email\" value=\"\" width=\"200\">$msg2</td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> echo "<tr>";
> echo "<td colspan=\"34\"> </td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> echo "<tr>";
> echo "<td colspan=\"34\" align=\"center\"><input name=\"Submit\" type=
> \"SUBMIT\" value=\"Continue\"/></td>";
> echo "</tr>";
> echo "</table>";
> echo "</form>";
> }
> else {
> include('survey.php');
> }
> ?>
> So it does some data validation at the top. If $Email is empty, it
> shows the form on the screen for the user to fill out. It also puts
> the appropriate error message next to the email question. If $Email is
> not empty when the user clicks submit, the form verifies it is not
> empty, and then calls the next page. The obvious problem is that when
> the page first loads, it displays the error message.
Before validating see if $_POST['Submit'] contains 'Continue' or not.
If not, don't validate.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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