Posted by Tyno Gendo on 04/08/07 21:52
vertigo wrote:
> Czesc
> Uzywam funkcji mail().
> Server postfix skonfigurowany lokalnie dziala poprawnie i szybko.
> Jednak gdy w kodzie php uzywam funkcji mail()
> skrypt jest przetwarzany okolo 60 sekund (bez funkcji mail() w sekunde).
> Mail dociera w koncu do adresata na lokalnym serverze poprawnie.
> Tylko - Dlaczego tak wolno ?
> Dzieki
I think you're asking why you're mail server is taking up to 60 seconds
to send an email?
It could be slow DNS, but after checking up on postfix, I found it has a
built in delay (funnily enough, 60 seconds) before rejecting requested
deemed to be spam.
So perhaps you are not allowed to relay or perhaps you have words in the
subject/body which are deemed as spam???
Might be worth reading an article such as:
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