Posted by M A Srinivas on 04/09/07 06:34
On Apr 9, 9:48 am, "Chirag" <chirag.dpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to create a table with
> member id(primary key for Students,faculty and staff [Tables])
> and now i want to create issues[Tables] with foreign key as member id
> but in references i could not able to pass on reference as or
> condition for students, faculty and staff.
> Thank You,
> Chirag
Two options
1. Create multiple member tables
member_student,member_faculty,member_staff and
2. Create a new column called flag in both the tables like
Create table member ( memberid iNT, Flag Char(1) --S - Student,
F- Faculty, T - Staff)
Primary Key (flag,memberid)
Create table Issues (memberid INT, Flag Char(1) -- S - Student, F-
Faculty, T- Staff)
Primary Key (flag,memberid)
Now Reference two tables with flag and memberid.
If you want to refernce member table with student,faculty,staff you
need to handle in trigger
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