Posted by DrNoose on 04/10/07 00:27
Tyno Gendo wrote:
> DrNoose wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm taking a class in web design and we're just starting to learn php.
>> Is there a good "freeware" php editor out there?
>> Thanks!
> For Windows?
> PSPad is freeware and has limited code insight (in that you can CTRL-J
> or CTRL-Space to look at php function directives)
> www.pspad.com
> Crimson Editor is another good programmers editor, don't think that has
> any code insight.
> www.crimsoneditor.com
> PHP Developer 2007 is pretty good, free for non-commercial use I
> believe, although not much to register either.
> http://www.mpsoftware.dk/
> I now use PHPEd under Windows, but its expensive for the Professional
> version which I registered as I PHP all the time, for beginner Standard
> version would suffice, still quite pricey I think though:
> http://www.phped.com/
> To be honest, you're best friend is the PHP Help CHM for Windows, and
> any good text editor :-)
I'm not a very good programmer! LOL! If there is an editor that will
tell me where my errors are in the PHP code that would be great. I don't
think notepad can do that can it? Reading the documentation on Crimson,
it looks like it might do that for me.
I appreciate your imput!
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