Posted by Ed Murphy on 04/10/07 20:50
yin_n_yang74@yahoo.com wrote:
> Resource, Supply and Order are not directly related to each other.
> There is no association that you were asking about in b).
>> b) what criteria tell us that Resource1 should associate only with
>> Supply1 (not Supply3) and Order5 (not Order6), and similarly
>> for Resource2 and Supply3 (not Supply1) and Order6 (not Order5)
Then it sounds like, instead of this monstrosity of a stored
procedure, what you really want is three Crystal subreports
side by side.
> Since we are pulling from two databases and using parameters, our
> solution has been to use a stored procedure. Crystal Reports (v 8.5)
> allows only one stored procedure.
You can do this with views instead, e.g.
create view vTable2 as select * from other_database.dbo.Table2
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