Posted by Aerik on 04/11/07 18:42
On Apr 10, 12:59 pm, Toby A Inkster <usenet200...@tobyinkster.co.uk>
> olafmol wrote:
> > i want to write a PHP4 script that reads POP3 or IMAP mail and can
> > decode the possible attachments in the email.
> http://www.php.net/imap
Yeah, but in my (limited!) experience, the IMAP library installed.
I've just finished writing a function to parse a raw message returned
from a basic POP3 class to an array so I can mangle it because I want
an application people without IMAP can use.
OTOH, Olaf, it doesn't seem like it'd be that hard to change the class
to accept inline attachements. But maybe not; I'm pretty new to
mangling email.
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