Posted by David T. Ashley on 04/13/07 01:26
Hi Henk,
Thanks for the help. I will look up the CONV() function.
A person on the MySQL mailing list suggested the CONCAT() function for the
same purpose. If that fails, I believe that MySQL has an explicit CAST()
function that should definitely work.
And, if that fails, there would seem to be two other options:
a)Looking for a MySQL operator that will manipulate the integer into
something that can't be parsed as an integer, something like "95" becomes
"S95" or even something like "IE" (9th letter, 5th letter).
b)Storing a field in parallel with the 64-bit integer that is definitely
text and contains the value in a different form.
So, I have a lot to try!
David T. Ashley (dta@e3ft.com)
http://www.e3ft.com (Consulting Home Page)
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"Henk verhoeven" <news1@phpPeanus_RemoveThis.org> wrote in message
> Hi david,
> Maybe you could use CONV(`columnname`, 10, 10) in your SQL to convert the
> integer to a string before it is passed to php.
> for example if the colum holding 64 bits integers is named `theInt`:
> SELECT id, CONV(theInt, 10, 10) FROM yourtable
> would return the id and theInt columns but theInt converted to a string.
> Once the string is in php you may use GMP functions for calculations etc.,
> see http://nl2.php.net/manual/en/ref.gmp.php
> Success,
> Henk Verhoeven,
> www.phppeanuts.org.
> David T. Ashley schreef:
>> I have a box where I'm forced to use PHP before 64-bit integers became
>> standard ...
>> If I run a MySQL query where one of the fields returned is 64-bit
>> integer, how do I get this into PHP as a string? My recollection is that
>> in the result sets it "auto types" so that it is an integer, and 64-bit
>> integers will cause problems if one tries to assign into 32 bits.
>> P.S.--Once into PHP as a string, I would use the bcmath library to
>> manipulate it ...
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