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Re: limit output to only php print/echo statements?

Posted by petersprc on 04/14/07 00:35


Like you said, keeping the file trimmed is the easiest way. You could
also try using output buffering (ob_start), and trimming the result.

On Apr 13, 4:31 pm, ken <> wrote:
> is there a way to make a php page only output content that is generated
> from php statements, such as print, or echo? ie: if I have whitespace
> (or other text) outside my <?php .... ?> block i do not want that to be
> returned.
> of course i can do this by making sure my php file starts with <?php and
> ends with ?> and there is no leading or trailing whitespace. but if
> whitespace does creep into my file then it would be neat if there was
> some kind of directive or something that would make sure it doesn't get
> output.
> i ask this because the output from my script will be interpreted by
> another program so i want the output to be specific space delimited
> values with no leading/trailing whitespace.
> of course i should probably just output my content in xml format and
> make my interpreting program parse xml, which accommodates for
> whitespace... but... that would be smart, which i am not.
> thanks!
> ken



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