Posted by MZ on 04/14/07 13:03
I have registered my web page on 7 days ago.
Till now my web page is not being found when I type a few keywords declared
in meta elements.
My web page is not being found even on the last position when i.e. I type:
"Marcin Zmyslowski Bydgoszcz"
on google search page.
Here are my meta:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2">
<META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Marcin Zmyslowski Kamyk">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2">
<META http-equiv="Reply-to" CONTENT="">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Strona opisuje moje dotychczasowe
osiagniecia w dziedzinie programistycznej">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="Program do Listy Przebojow Lista Przebojow
Access programowanie Marcin Zmyslowski Portfolio informatyka Bydgoszcz Tyco
Electronics Delphi ASP PHP tworzenie stron www web Six Sigma PIK muzyka
sport Politechnika Poznanska Kamyk radio">
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Notatnik">
<META NAME="Language" CONTENT="polski angielski English Polish">
<META NAME="Copyright" CONTENT="Marcin Zmyslowski">
<META NAME="Robots" CONTENT="All">
<meta name="verify-v1"
content="9jiWfKhDecldRhL+ZZrD3m8ZcG5azTs/omGquXJSnp4=" />
First question. Maybe I would have to seperate keywords by adding ","
between words?
Will it help ?
When I took look at log file I have the followings logs from google page:
Date: 07/Apr/07 23:08 - IP: - host:
Date: 07/Apr/07 23:10 - IP: - host:
Date: 07/Apr/07 23:10 - IP: - host:
Is it this google log which means that google robot visited my page?
Main question. Can you write me what I should do to make my page visible
after google searching?
Thank you for your help
Marcin from Poland
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