Posted by Tyno Gendo on 04/15/07 10:42
Schraalhans Keukenmeester wrote:
> FrobinRobin wrote:
>> On 13 Apr, 20:48, Schraalhans Keukenmeester <bitbuc...@invalid.spam>
>> wrote:
>>> Tyno Gendo wrote:
>>>> pank wrote:
>>>>> hey guys ...
>>>>> can anybody tell me a php logout script.
>>>>> I want to log out from one page which i was developing ,
>>>>> i tried but it's not working. I have tried
>>>>> session_destroy(),session_unset() functions
>>>>> but they are not working.
>>>>> If any one is having that script then please help me .
>>>> Session_destroy should destroy all variables you have set in $_SESSION
>>> No it does NOT. They are valid as long as the script runs. A call to
>>> $_SESSIONS=array(); after the session_destroy() clears the session
>>> variables.
Indeed. I've only ever used session_destroy() as the last statement
before quitting the page, so I never noticed. Seems a bit crap, after
all, you're asking it to 'destroy' the session, does anyone have a use
for destroying it and _still_ retaining the variables until script end?
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