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Re: Can't update my own website

Posted by Richard Daly on 04/16/07 07:35

"Richard Daly" <> wrote in message
> "Grant Robertson" <bogus@bogus.invalid> wrote in message
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> > > Tell me, could it possibly be
> > > caused by an external hit counter service? Would that function as a
> proxy
> > > server?
> >
> > Now here is where I am really speculating: I guess it depends on how
> > hit counter service works. If they cache pages and then serve them out
> > order to determine who is a new viewer and who is a previous viewer then
> > they might. But you would really have to ask them.
> I'll let you know when I get to the bottom of the mystery.

Well, this turned out to be much harder than I expected. What seems to have
been the problem was that I used a hired form for a short while. Although I
stopped using it - and forgot all about it - my website was still registered
with the service. I unregistered yesterday, made a website change
immediately afterwards, and was able to see it at once. So it looks as if
the proxy server was the form provider.

Complicated business, website designing, isn't it?




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