Posted by Greg D. Moore \(Strider\) on 04/16/07 14:53
"eighthman11" <> wrote in message
> Hi everyone:
> We received a error message "Log File to Database is Full. Backup the
> transaction log to free up space."
My guess is either a) NO transaction log backups are being made, or your b)
your transaction log isn't being allowed to grow enough so that between
backups it can expand enough to handle your workload.
Simple fix is to fix either of the above two issues.
> I have a Access 2000 application that calls a Stored Procedure that
> inserts about 5000 records into a worktable on a SQL server 8.0
> database table. After the user is finished with the work table a
> stored procedure deletes just the records that he was using in the
> work file (so I can't use Truncate Table). I have the work table
> linked to an Access database so I can't use a temporary table on the
> server.
> This action of 5000 records being added and deleted to this workfile
> can occur 7 or 8 times an hour. And for the last week I've been
> testing the application so I have probably been doing this action 10
> to 20 times an hours.
> I do not currently use a COMMIT with the INSERT Stored Procedure or
> the DELETE Stored Procedure.
> Although I didn't think this was a lot of records, could it be that my
> application caused this error. Is there a way to find out for sure if
> my application caused this error and if there something I can do in my
> application to keep the Transaction Log from filling up.
> Thank you for taking the time to read my post and any help would be
> appreciated.
Greg Moore
SQL Server DBA Consulting Remote and Onsite available!
Email: sql (at)
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