Posted by on 04/16/07 09:35
On Apr 16, 1:19 am, Krustov <> wrote:
> <comp.lang.php>
> <>
> <15 Apr 2007 12:24:30 -0700>
> <>
> > > > write a script that builds an image
> > > > using gd or ImagaMagick features based on the html output
> > > If the end result is to be shrunk and used as a thumbnail for a links
> > > page for example - then that would probably be quite acceptable and a
> > > reasonable way of doing it .
> > Yes, i need this for small thumbnails related to some web pages. I
> > prefer a simpler solution and hope to avoid running firefox or ie on a
> > server and take screenshots of the screen. I need a small script to
> > generate a that small image of a web page to associate it with my link
> > in the database. Hope it can be done simpler.
> How easy or hard depends on how much or how little you know about php .
> Most of the regulars on here could probably write a basic script to do
> the job in less than 2 hours as they would no doubt have lots of the
> code already written and as such would only really need to tinker around
> with it in order to get it to work .
> Would write it myself if i didnt have more important things to do and as
> most seasoned users on here dont write code for other people - i'd say
> your up shit creek matey .
I'm not asking for anyone on this forum to write my code. I hope to
find someone explain me a little about ImagaMagick or Gd and help me
understand better what i have to do. I have never worked with
ImagaMagick. Telling me that the code can be written in 2 hours won't
help me too much because as you can guess i wouldn't have posted any
question here if i could write the script.
But the real reason i have posted here is that i thought there might
be some code already written for this thing and avoid reinventing the
So if you really want to help with some links to code already written/
tutorials ... would be just great.
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