Posted by Lipstikk on 04/17/07 09:42
----- Original Message -----
From: "Port 119" <yah@optusnet.com.au>
Newsgroups: alt.html
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 4:18 AM
Subject: CSS Design why is it so hard?
> Why is it so hard to do full web sites with nice tabbed menus, centred
> layouts of either 2 or 3 column types without etc?
Might be because the web has a top-down logic. It seems that this requires
a different way of thinking to most people. Most people (well, in the wild
west that is)
are thinking in a horizontal left-to-right fashion. Tables are generally
made with a
left-to-right logic, making them easy to visualize in your head and also
easy for you to
implement. The issue is that tables are not for layout, they are used for
of certain closely related information.
The notion of that it is 'hard' to accomplish a desired layout may come from
a lack
of understanding about how the web is designed to work. It wasn't
the way you first imagined it and now it feels like you have to learn it all
over again,
and that will make your moral drop.
> It seesm that most web sites should go css because of the ease of having
> two stylesheets - one for printing and one for the screen.
This is only one benefit of using css. You use css to seperate the structure
of your
content (the html-part) from the presentation of your content. Another,
bigger, benefit is that you can use just one stylesheet to control the
of many webpages.
> I', even steering away from three column layouts for most sites as this
> creates too much clutter.
Suggestion; search the internet for "css multicolumn layout". I'm sure
find a lot of templates you could use.
> But cannot figure out why the Microsoft Tools ( Front Page 2003 and
> SharePoitn Designer ) just don't behave all the time well ( in a wysiwyg
> way) with good css designed sites?
> I am the only one finding this is the case?
Far from it...
> Regards,
> Smartbiz Australia
> www.smartbiz.com.au
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