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Re: upload file issue

Posted by Emmanuel Petit on 04/17/07 15:46

Sean a écrit :
> I am sure that there may be another solution, but I think that you cannot
> path back outside of your webserver. I'd bet that if you moved the 'uploads'
> folder inside the 'website' folder and change the link accordingly, it would
> work.
It works fine if I move the 'uploads' folder back on the web site, but
as it needs to be chmod 777, it is now open to everyone, and might
become a security issue on my server.

I read that by putting it outside the web folder, it could not be access
by browsing, but I can not find any way to retrieve the folder, even
that I can put them without any problem.

> As and the website folder should be the same ... I take it
> that having <img src='../../uploads/images/test.gif'> makes no difference?



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