Posted by noi on 04/17/07 18:41
On Mon, 16 Apr 2007 05:23:27 +0100, martinf wrote this:
> Hello group,
> I've inherited a box running FC6.
> The website I'm trying to copy across to it ran fine on FC5.. PHP & MySQL
> were set up 'out-the-box' so the site just worked.
> Somethings changed with FC6.
> Trying to run the DB script now gives:
> PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()
> Looking at phpinfo();, the configure command has the switch
> "--without-mysql" in it, which I figure is the root of my problem.
> MySQL is definitely installed on the box, I've a database up and running
> on that just fine. It can be accessed locally and remotely.
> My question is, what's the simplest way to get PHP to recognise MySQL is
> there to use? Preferably without breaking anything else (e.g., there's a
> cron job that calls yum daily to do updates.. This must still work
> afterwards!!)
> Thanks for any pointers.
Are you sure it's MySQL and not PHP? Versions the same in FC5 vs FC6?
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