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Re: Really hardcore question about PHP needed :)

Posted by Rami Elomaa on 04/18/07 15:04

Steve kirjoitti:
> "Rami Elomaa" <> wrote in message
> news:vNkVh.38543$
> | "Toby A Inkster" <> wrote in message
> |
> | > Rami Elomaa wrote:
> | >
> | >> <?php
> | >> $i++;
> | >> if($i<10) xyz (__FILE__) ;
> | >> else echo $i;
> | >> ?>
> | >>
> | >> Substitute xyz with a standard function or construct so that the output
> | >> is 10.
> | >
> | > My immediate thought would be...
> | >
> | > <?php
> | > $i++;
> | > if($i<10) echo preg_replace('/[^\d]/','',file_get_contents(__FILE__));
> | > else echo $i;
> | > ?>
> | >
> |
> |
> | Well, that's quite a brilliant solution, but the goal was to use one and
> | only one function substituting xyz, but you've used three. This was my
> fault
> | since I couldn't describe the task correctly. English isn't my native
> | language and it was late in the evening... Let me try to rephrase the
> | question:
> |
> | <?php
> | $i++;
> | if($i<=9)
> | xyz (__FILE__) ;
> | else
> | echo $i;
> | ?>
> rami, you've REALLY got to work on your single line if/else formatting.

Please show me the correct formatting. I tried two combinations which
both seem to me ok and understandable, and you've banned both of them.
I'm all out of ideas. It would be REALLY helpful if you could point out
what is wrong with these and secondly what is the correct way. What am I
supposed to do?


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