Posted by Steve on 04/19/07 05:24
| > | Probably works from home because no company will hire him. Can't say
| > | I would blame them - I sure wouldn't!
| >
| > hmmm, jerry...i WORK from home because no company will HIRE me? do you
see a
| > problem there with your reasoning? you're funny; just in a kind of sad
| >
| >
| I never said you did anything productive. If your posts here are any
| indication, you don't.
you said:
probably works from home b/c no company will hire me.
i said:
how is it that you say i *work* from home yet i am *not* employed?
you said:
i never said you did anything productive. (which is completely non-sequitur)
i think:
it's too late at night for least that's the benefit of the doubt
i'll afford you.
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