Posted by John Hosking on 04/19/07 15:20
Huub wrote:
>> How do you do what? You have not included a URL to show what "their
>> own looks" are.
> This is the htmlcode:
First of all, Travis asked for a URL for the page in question, which is
preferable to posting a huge bunch of code.
Secondly, your page is not well-aligned in FF, although it looks OK in IE6.
> <DIV ID="Frame1" DIR="LTR" STYLE="position: absolute; top: 1.03cm; left:
> 11.17cm; width: 4.71cm; height: 0.58cm; border: none; padding: 0cm;
> background: #ffffff">
> How can I replace these frames with css without losing the structure?
And thirdly, you don't have frames just because you give the DIVs ids
like "Frame1". That is, you *already* have the page "implemented in
CSS," as you asked for in your original post.
(The CSS could be much improved, and you also have HTML coding which
could be replaced by CSS, but you do have CSS.)
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