Posted by Jon Slaughter on 04/19/07 08:10
<german.rumm@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> >>>>> Index.php is basically an html file uses a linked css file and when
>> >>>>> its
>> >>>>> included in the new file its referencing a css file in the wrong
>> >>>>> spot.
>> >>>>> I need to add "../" to the css file reference in Index.php to make
>> >>>>> it
>> >>>>> work.
> If index.php is HTML file (no parsing needed), you can "include" by
> calling
> <?php echo file_get_contents('../index.php'); ?>
> to modify path, simply use str_replace or RegExp on
> file_get_contents() return value, like so:
> <?php echo str_replace('path/to/stylesheet.css', 'new/path/to/
> stylesheet.css', file_get_contents('../index.php'); ?>
> But it's really more clever to use absolute paths.
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="/Styles/Main.css" TYPE="text/css">
instead of
<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="Styles/Main.css" TYPE="text/css">
doesn't work when I do not include the the html file from a directory that
contains Styles/Main.css.
For some reason the absolute paths are not working. The browser is trying
not looking from the root but always from the current dir.
using code to change link still doesn't work
echo str_replace('"/Styles/Main.css"', '"/../Styles/Main.css"',
file_get_contents('../Main.php'); );
It does change the link properly but no matter what I use it does not find
the css file(I've tryed /.. and ../ but nothing works).
The directories are right but I can't seem to get the style sheet.
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