Posted by Jasper Bryant-Greene on 07/03/05 03:06
Ryan A wrote:
> Hey guys,
> This is the code I am using to display a persons age from the mysql db:
> $day1=strtotime($age);
> $day2 = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
> $dif_s = ($day2-$day1);
> $dif_d = ($dif_s/60/60/24);
> $age = round(($dif_d/365.24));
> but when someone entered their birth day($age) as 1988-07-06 it is showing
> it as
> 17 years old instead of 16...any idea whats wrong in the above code?
Use floor() instead of round(). Using the round() function will round
anyone whose age is above 16.5 to 17, while floor() always rounds down.
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