Posted by Jon Slaughter on 04/19/07 18:41
<tom_sawyer70@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> On Apr 19, 12:04 am, "Jon Slaughter" <Jon_Slaugh...@Hotmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I can't be sure but chances are your paths are wrong.
>> Whe you do
>> <?php include ("includes/nav.php"); ?>
>> You are including w.r.t to the current path
>> i.e.
>> /srv/www/htdocs/jennifer/jennifer.php is the file and its looking for
>> nav.php at
>> /srv/www/htdocs/jennifer/includes/nav.php
> Jon,
> Thank you for the reply. I have tried variations on the path,
> including trying to go right to the file with
> /srv/www.htdocs/includes/nav.php
> or
> http://localhost/includes/nav.php
> Neither works.
> The interesting thing is even if I try a basic php command, such as to
> echo a string, I get no error or result. However, if I do an html
> statement, such as <p>print here</p>, it works.
not sure if this is the problem but your two php files are different:
<div id="nav">
<?php include ('nav.php'); ?>
in one you said works and
<div id="nav">
<?php include ("includes/nav.php"); ?>
in the one that you said didn't.
So it looks like an include problem. A path problem.
<?php include ("/includes/nav.php"); ?>
I know you said you already tried by try this again and see if it works. You
shouldn't have to set php's includes dir for this.
Try changing Index.php to
<?php include ("/includes/nav.php"); ?>
and see if it still works. IT SHOULD if / is the root. That is if when you
browse to http://hostIP/Index.php it should work and then
HostIP is the ip that your appache server uses(mine doesn't work with local
host by my LAN IP.
Make sure its not actually using nav. That is, use a temporary nav.php of
something like
<?php echo 'FROM /INCLUDES/NAV.PHP'?>
Then look at Index.php and the source and see if you can find it. I would
strip away all the html code except is what is necessary to troubleshoot the
code. Index.php and Jennifer.php should just contain
<?php include ("/includes/nav.php"); ?>
and nav.php should just contain
<?php echo 'FROM /includes/nav.php'?>
Then you can be sure of the results you get. It should work in both unless
or niether. If it works from niether then your root directory isn't '/' but
something like '/htdocs' so you'll need to change it.
Your issue is that your tring to load up nav.php in jennifer.php in
<div id="nav">
<?php include ("includes/nav.php"); ?>
But obviously that file doesn't exist there. You can check this easily to
see if its the problem by copying your includes dir to the jennifer dir and
see if everything works. If it does then either do
<div id="nav">
<?php include ("../includes/nav.php"); ?>
or use the absolute paths above(make sure to delete jennifer/includes so you
don't get false results).
Hopefully something there helped. I would try to start from scratch. It
seems I had the exact same issue but I got confused because I forgot to
change all paths to absolute and so some of the relative paths were making
it look like it didn't work... so I spend about an hour trying to figure out
the problem and then saw I had more links that I forgot to make absolute.
Once I did that everything worked.
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