Posted by Edwin van der Vaart on 04/19/07 19:42
fed up wrote:
> For reasons I won't go into, I can't use server side includes & I haven't
> got any athoring software.
> How can I implement a navigation bar? I need to include the same text into
> each file. I don't want to edit every single file when I put up a new page &
> alter the navigation bar.
> I'm prepared to use xhtml & xsl, if clear instructions are given.
Then there is one option, but every web-designer and search engines
dislike it. It's called frames. Put the navigation in one frame and the
content in the other. That way you don't need to use server-side scripting.
See explanation: [http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_frames.asp]
See example:
Edwin van der Vaart
http://www.semi-conductor.nl/ Links to Semiconductors sites
http://www.evandervaart.nl/ Edwin's persoonlijke web site
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