Posted by Desmond on 04/21/07 11:48
On 21 Apr, 12:35, John Hosking <J...@DELETE.Hosking.name.INVALID>
> Desmond wrote:
> > Can anyone shead some light on this. I copied some of this from a
> > website
> Which? A trustworthy one? (Hint: no.)
> > that claimed it works in all browsers. This is not the case.
> Uh huh.
> > It only works in IE but not in
> > Fire Fox
> > Netscape 7.2
> > Opera 8.5
> >http://www.des-otoole.co.uk/Menu/Menu.htm
> Any time you're comtemplating "browser compatibility," you
> (1) can expect that if only one browser is doing something wrong, it's
> IE; and
> (2) make sure you're in standards mode rather than quirks mode.
> Replace your doctype with e.g.
> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
> > Any ideas it passes w3c validator.
> Only the HTML, not the CSS. Visithttp://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
> and make the changes to fix the errors listed there.
> Make additional changes to your CSS like the following:
> #nav a
> { display: block;
> width: 6.3em; /*was 50px, instead of 101px*/}
> #nav li
> { float: left;
> width: 101px; /*was *50px, not 101px (images) or 6.3em (equiv text)*/
> MARGIN: 0px; /*one of the validation errors. Add semi-colon */
> border: 0;
> padding: 0;
> }
> #nav li ul
> { position: absolute;
> width: 6.3em; /*was 50px, instead of 101px*/
> left: -999em;
> border: 6; /*one of the validation errors. Remove the line */
> border-left: 1px solid; /*what color border do you want? */
> }
> Note also that your menu will not be useful to those who can't see the
> images. You could use texts instead, which would probably load faster as
> well as being more accessible to more users.
> You also don't need to use an image (remainder.jpg) for the gray
> background. To your #menu rule, you could add background-color: #d4cbcc;
> width:800px; height:25px; (where the px values should change to em
> values if you swap the menu graphics for text or drop the idea of a
> fixed-width site). Then you can discard the entire "menu-right" div in
> the HTML and CSS.
> --
> John
Thanks John. I am copied this code from an authour on the website
without fully understanding blocks and floats. I take it
1 em = about 16 px. Will test site using other browsers first as IE
seems to be more forgiving.
Thanks. Desmond.
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