Posted by J.O. Aho on 04/21/07 08:02
Danny Boy wrote:
> Maybe I need to add a few things: What I had in mind (but didn't
> explicitly tell him) was that I preferred a way to select several files
> from the hard drive at once and upload. His solution is four independent
> upload "slots" on the page, each one only able to get one file. Maybe
> that is browser dependant? Or is my idea doable?
No, it's not limited to use one file per file-input-field, a quick search on
google.com did generate a file-input-field that handled 3 files (not too much
work to adopt this for more files).
It's quite important to write down on paper what you want, as this you can
then use in court if there is something you feel you didn't get.
> Also: The contract says "batch" and doesn't say any number at all. I
> perhaps would have accepted if he had told me from the start (or when he
> found out). I just don't like being presented this finished solution as
> a matter of fact, like "here's what you get. Be happy". In particular
> now if what you're saying is correct; that it's not the number of files
> that's important, but the aggregated file size of them.
Personally I would call 4 files for a batch, but taking that to court will
depend quite much on the judge and his knowledge about programming what he may
rule, but it feels for me that the guy you contracted took the easy way.
> And about the file size; OK, I understand this can be altered at will. I
> can also change the actual server settings to accept just about any
> uploasd size. Presently it's set to 10MB.
Yes, it can be alter, in the default php.ini, in the apache settings or in
..htaccess, so you can have different max upload sizes depending in which
directory the upload script is located.
I still suggest you take a look at freshmeat.net for a portal/cms that
supports patch uploads, they could give you a lot of features you haven't yet
thought about and you said you are good at css, then you won't have troubles
at all with making your own theme for the site and many portals/cms do use
modules, which makes it easy to add new features. Of course if you already
have a lot of quite special tools, then it can be difficult to move to
something new.
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