Posted by Desmond on 04/22/07 08:13
On 21 Apr, 22:45, "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:
> Scripsit Desmond:
> > Is there an escape sequnce for the above.
> The above _what_? It's bad style to refer to a heading inside text (in a
> Usenet message as well as in HTML documents).
> > w3c recects the statment I
> > didn't do that
> What are you talking about?
> > the website below sugests didn ' t
> >http://www.theukwebdesigncompany.com/articles/entity-escape-character...
> So? There are many pages that describe the same things, without
> advertisements and without the typos.
> The Ascii apostrophe ' can be written as ' in HTML. If used, you must
> not write spaces around it unless you want actual spaces to appear there.
> Thus, writing
> didn ' t
> would result it
> didn ' t
> whereas
> didn't
> gives
> didn't.
> But you don't need ', because you can write the character ' as such. If
> you have got an error message that seems to say something different, then
> you probably have the apostrophe inside a string delimited by apostrophes,
> and _then_ you need to do something, like changing the apostrophe delimiters
> to Ascii quotes, ". As usual, a URL would have shown what you are really
> talking about.
> So you don't need ' either. For completeness, though: ' is an
> entity reference that means ' and belongs to XHTML but not to HTML 4.01.
> On the other hand, nowadays the web is reasonably safe for the use of
> typographically correct characters, so you can write
> didn’t
> or you can write a typographer's apostrophe directly if a) you know how to
> do that and b) you are using an encoding that has a representation for it,
> e.g. UTF-8 (or windows-1252, but then you need to wear a flame-proof suit).
> --
> Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
Sorry what i ment was, I wasn't using quotes as they would show in the
<td>This isn't working</td> so the Apostraphy is causing an error.
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