Posted by Jonathan on 04/22/07 18:40
cluthz wrote:
> Hi there,
> Further to a previous positing I need to disable error notifications on a
> shared server in the php.ini file.
> I know I can achieve this within a particular script using
> error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
> but lets say I want to change the php.ini file so that is always has this
> value and notices are suppressed.
> How, on a Windows server box with shared hosting do I change the php.ini
> value so I do not need to write the above line into each script.
The php.ini file holds general configuration settings and can not be
tweeked on a directory/share base.
If your shared server is an Apache server you could use
php_admin_value/flag keywords to specify directives also defined in the
php.ini file in the configuration directive of your domain in the
httpd.conf file, you can find more information here: .
I have no experience with IIS or other webservers on Windows.
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