Posted by Captain Paralytic on 04/23/07 12:58
On 23 Apr, 12:38, strawberry <zac.ca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 23, 10:46 am, "Boris Savc" <boris.s...@siol.net> wrote:
> > Sorry for confuzing subject, but that's the thing I'm trying to achieve. For
> > example:
> > $a = "Hello";
> > $b = 1;
> > I want to change the name of $a to $a1 where 1 is value of variable $b!
> > Thanks for all the help,
> > Boris
> This has nothing to do with sql, but anyway:
> <?php
> $a = "hello";
> $b = "world";
> $a.= $b;
> echo $a;
> ?>
That would produce "helloworld"
He didn't say that he wanted to concatenate the contents, he said he
wanted a new variable name.
I have to wonder why he wants to do this. I would normally use an
associative array:
$a[$b] = $a;
but you could say:
$b = "a{$b}";
$$b = $a;
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