Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/03/79 11:20
madsgormlarsen@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi
> Ok, what I need for the java to do is to hide the real link, when I
> treid the suggestion of Ken it just showed the real link. Why that is I
> do not know.
First of all, this isn't java - it's PHP.
I saw nothing earlier about you wanting to hide a link. Why hide it? It just
makes things more difficult for your users.
As to making XML validate - try one of the XML newsgroups.
> However I got it to work with this code, and I am now facing a new
> problem, how to make it xhtml 1.0 validate. - all suggestions are
> welcome.
> But if anybody had anymore insight as to why it did not work, and why
> Kens does, I am very interrested because I woul like to understand what
> I did wrong.
> $tdsubclass="<td class=\"sup\"><a
> href=\"http://bygtabel.php/$artnr[$arayartnrcounter]\"
> onMouseOver=\"window.status =
> 'http://www.fup.dk/$artnr[$arayartnrcounter]';
> return true;\"
> onMouseOut=\"window.status =\"; return
> true;\"><!--target=\"_Self\"-->";
Remember - PHP is server side. Javascript is client side. Two entirely different
things. For instance - javascript knows about DOM - because DOM is interpreted
by the browser, and javascript runs on the browser. The server doesn't know (or
care) about DOM, and neither does PHP.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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