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Re: Annoying technology!

Posted by Fred on 04/25/07 11:44

On 24 Apr 2007 21:25:30 -0700, wrote:

>If you take a look at this page, and scroll, you will notice that the
>top navigation menu "follows" the page as you scroll :
>I have a meeting this week with my client - and I already know he's
>going to request this to be implemented in his own new site.
>I hate it personally - so my question is :
>What sort of *techncial argument* can I make in trying to justify why
>__not__ to implement this ?
>Is there anything *in addition* to the fact that the user must have
>javascript enabled for it to work ?
>Ultimately - it's his money, and his site, but I'd like to have
>another side to discuss other than I just don't like it!

Remind your client that web pages are a close relative to paper and a
very distant cousin to TV.

That being said page motion is a no no! Especially with sites that are
trying to convey a message with text. it is the responsibility of
both you and your client to NOT PISS OFF the user.

moving navigation will upset the user and by doing so you will thwart
your efforts/money/ to convey your message. Investing in gimmicks
will only backfire in the long run.

Ask your client why he wants the floating navigation? Is it because he
thinks it's cool? What value does this cool give your users?
Does he or she think it helps the user? Make your client tell you why
it helps. Then tell him or her why id does not.

If they persist (EGO TRIP) tell them that you will do it but you will
not be proud of the work. FYI: This is a BAD CLIENT red flag. Raise
your rates.

Surf over to Jakob Nielsen's website and see if you can find any copy
that confirms this thinking. This site also may have some info on
this type of floating nav.

I wish this guy changed the name of his books to some other title than
"Web Pages That Suck" Its trailer trash talk.



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