Posted by Michael Placentra II on 04/25/07 22:15
Man-wai Chang wrote:
> Given this assoc array:
> $dtl_array[0]['uom_array'][0][0]='key1';
> $dtl_array[0]['uom_array'][0][1]='value1';
> $dtl_array[0]['uom_array'][1][0]='key2';
> $dtl_array[0]['uom_array'][1][1]='value2';
> $dtl_array[1]['uom_array'][0][0]='key3';
> $dtl_array[1]['uom_array'][0][1]='value3';
> $dtl_array[1]['uom_array'][1][0]='key4';
> $dtl_array[1]['uom_array'][1][1]='value4';
> $sample->assign("dtl_array",$dtl_array);
> $sample->display();
> How could I create a combobox out of $dtl_array in the templates?
> The following does not work:
> <select name="aname">
> {section name=mm start=0 loop=$dtl_array.0.uom_array step=1}
> <option value="{$dtl_array.0.uom_array.mm.0}">
> {$dtl_array.0.uom_array.mm.1}
> {/section}
> </select>
Why do you have such a strange array? It's not as easy to iterate through its values if it's counted in base two, you should alter $dtl_array through PHP into something easier to deal with first:
$dtl_array = generate_bizarre_array();
$cool_array = array();
$SoFdtl_array = count( $dtl_array );
for( $i = 0; $i < $SoFdtl_array; ++$i )
$SoFdtl_array_I_uom_array = count( $dtl_array[$i]['uom_array'] );
for( $j = 0; $j < $SoFdtl_array_I_uom_array; ++$j )
$cool_array[] = array( 'key' => $dtl_array[$i]['uom_array'][$j][0],
'value' => $dtl_array[$i]['uom_array'][$j][1] );
$sample->assign( 'coolness', $cool_array );
$sample->display( 'it.tpl' );
<select name="JohnDoe">
{foreach from=$coolness item="opt"}
<option value="{$opt.key}">{$opt.value}</option>
This assumes that however you get that binary-indexed array, it comes from a dynamic source. Otherwise, the PHP code would be much simpler. {foreach} is also easier to use (IMO). I suggest you also throw in a {foreachelse} if this really is a dynamic source.
-Mike PII
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