Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/26/07 11:48
_Skare_Krow_ wrote:
> I have a database with three columns. One is an atomic number, one is a
> pic url, and the other is a description. What I'm having trouble doing
> is putting the url in one table row and the description in another table
> row right below it like this...
> <tr> <td> some pic url</td> <td> other pic url</td></tr>
> <tr><td> some descripts </td> <td> other descript </td></tr>
> whilest limiting the rows to about 10 cells each,,....
> any ideas?
> Aaron
Hi, Aaron,
Two easy ways - as you go through the result set to get your url, save
the matching description in an array. Then when you're done with your
url's, you can go through the description array and get the values.
The other way is after going through the result set to get your url, use
mysql_data_seek() to reposition the internal pointer and go through the
result set a second time to get the descriptions.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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