Posted by Robert Maas, see http://tinyurl.com/uh3t on 04/26/07 21:30
> From: "Thomas F. Burdick" <tburd...@gmail.com>
> Face it, HTML is a markup language historically created directly
> by humans, which means you *will* get good content with syntax
> errors by authors who will not fix it.
I'm not talking about occasionally crappy HTML in personal Web
pages. I'm talking about bugs in software that generate the same
crappy HTML millions of times per day, every time anyone anywhere
in the world asks Google to perform a search, the same crappy
mistake in *every* copy of the form emitted by Google's search
engine. Also, the toplevel forms to invoke Google's search engines,
which are fetched via bookmarks or links millions of times per day.
A teensy bit of effort to fix those forms and form-generating
software would fix many millions of Web pages delivered per day.
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