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Re: Tool to validate HTML code with PHP tags?

Posted by webrod on 04/27/07 10:59

oups! thanks you, I didn't know that.
I thought it was not possible.
Sorry about that.

I provide my answer here:


I guess I was not clear enough.

I do not want to validate the output of a php page, I want to validate
the php page itself.
My php code NEVER provides HTML code. That's a very important rule I
I mean I never do that:
<?php echo "<a href='$myLink'>go to my link</a>" ?>
I do that:
<a href='<?php echo $myLink?>'>go to my link</a>

Actually I have the main php page which does the business (only PHP
code, no HTML at all), then I include a template with HTML code + a
little bit of php code.

I would like now to find a tool which is able to validate my XHTML
code (within the template) and udpate the XHTML to be conformed with
W3C rules.
For example it should automatically update <br> to <br/>.
TIDY does this work. Unfortunatelly it doesn't like php tags and
remove a lot of them.

I would like to work on the templates and not on the output to do the
job automatically.
If I work on the output, I have to manually update all the templates!!
Unfortunatelly I have a lot of templates.

Do you have an idea?





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