Posted by Johnny BeGood on 04/28/07 18:53
Hi Richard,
Perhaps I should explain, the user of the site, who will be the owner of the
phone will have volunteered that data in the first place, I just want to be
able to check that it is that actual phone that is logging on, this data is
available throught HTTP Headers from the phone. I do agree with you on the
privacy issue.
Thanks anyway
"rf" <rf@invalid.com> wrote in message
> "Johnny BeGood" <jbg@jbg.net> wrote in message
> news:GHDYh.19241$j7.373033@news.indigo.ie...
>> Hi All,
>> Has anyone got any ideas on how to retrieve mobile phone info from a
>> phone that connects to my web site, I want to use that data as part of
>> logon authentication, for example:
> <snip>
>> I would like to retrieve the phone number of the phone and any other id
>> data thats available.
> You are kidding, right?
> Would you also like the phone owners name and address, perhaps their bank
> account details?
>> Any ideas?
> Think about *privacy*.
> Richard.
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