Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/29/07 16:00
Jon Slaughter wrote:
> Well, I thought I was clear enough. I think what happens is because I use a
> simple example that many here think there must be a simple solution. I give
> a simple example only to express the problem as concisely as I can instead
> of cluttering it up with things that are irrelevant and, I would assume,
> only cause more confusion. Its like a math problem, If there is something
> I'm trying to solve but the equation is very complicated and I can reduce
> the issue down to a similar but much more simple problem then thats what I
> would do. I believe my original explination was simple and explained the
> problem but I could be wrong. I have gotten a solution from Janwillem which
> probalby will work(haven't tried it yet due to other issues).
> If it was simple as using include then I would have done it. Peopl elike
> Toby and Geoff have a very simplistic view of things and there problem is
> that their ego always ends up showing up.
> In any case, again, I have a file that is essentially html code in it. It
> has a php extension as all my files do. That is not the issue.
> The issue is that I have this file, call it MyFile.php and I want to parse
> it to modify some html code or generate some html code based on some
> context. If I just use include then I have no way of looking at the file?
> If I do
> include 'MyFile.php'
> Then how am I going to modify what I need to modify? Theres no way to get at
> the contents of the file that is loaded do do anything.
> For example, what if MyFile.php is
> <body>
> Hello
> <div class="table"></div>
> <?php
> echo 'hello';
> ?>
> </body>
> REMEMBER THIS IS JUST A SIMPLIFIED EXAMPLE. Obviously if this was what I was
> really trying to do there would be no need to parse it as I could approach
> it differently. (so don't tell me I need to approach it differently because
> its actually more complicated and maybe I did things backwards but its too
> late at this point)
> In any case, now I have a file called AddTable.php that essentially takes
> this file and parses it for <div class="table"> and inserts a table inside
> that div.
> if I simply do
> include 'MyFile.php'
> then how can I parse it?
> if I do
> $file = file_get_contents('MyFile.php');
> Then I can easily parse the string $file and modify it to add the table.
> so after that I now have $file that looks something like
> <body>
> Hello
> <table>
> <tr>
> <td>Blah
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> <?php
> echo 'hello';
> ?>
> </body>
> and when I want to send it to the client,
> echo $file;
> it will not interpret the php code and just send it as text to them (so they
> get exactly what is above in $file instead of
> <body>
> Hello
> <table>
> <tr>
> <td>Blah
> </td>
> </tr>
> </table>
> hello
> </body>
> So I need a way to get $file to interpret the php code before I send it.
> Janwillem has said eval will do it and from looking in the manual it seems
> like it will work. There is also another solution I mentioned in the
> original post that looks like it will work. I might have been able to design
> the site differently and been able to avoid this issue but I didn't and I'm
> not about to start over at this point just because some jack ass(not you)
> gets to confused and doesn't understand the problem.
> In any case I hope to try eval soon as I think it will be the easiest
> solution and do exactly what I need.
> Thanks,
> Jon
Maybe if you would have explained it this way in the start you would
have gotten better answers. This is NOT the problem you started with!
As it is, I can think of a couple of ways to do it. But after seeing
the way you treat people trying to help you, I'm not inclined to post them.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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