Posted by webrod on 04/30/07 08:13
> PHP generates or controls the generation of html. That's what it does,
> and if you want to validate your html you cannot ignore the php code.
You really misunderstand everything :(
But anyway, think what you want to think. I even guess you are not
> > And if I don't want?
> Then don't come crying to us.
Who is crying?
> You've been given a very valid solution
> to your problem.
really? I'm not looking for a solution but for a tool. Did I give the
name of a tool???
> I don't care whether you're a .NET architect or a sewer cleaner. You're
> being paid to do a job.
Again, why are you wasting you're time to say stupid things??
Do you read what you write??
ok, and If I say that I am a florist? Are you still saying " you're
being paid to do a job." ??
I think you like to say "general thinks" like:
- you're being paid to do a job.
- sky is blue
- php is generating HTML
WHat you don't see in what you say is that:
- you're being paid to do a job.=> yes of course, as everybody in the
world who has a job, but, hey I'm a florist!! So what is the relation
between the fact that I am paid to sell flowers and the fact that I am
looking for a tool to validate XHTML?? Actually in reality: "So what
is the relation between the fact that I am paid to develop .NET
solutions and the fact that I am looking for a tool to validate XHTML
for my personal website?? If you don't understand the difference
- sky is blue => not always, sometimes it is not. But yes, you're
right, we can say that the sky is blue
- php is generating HTML => not always, it depends how you develop and
what you mean by "generating"
> I actually do use Notepad for some of my PHP code. Other times I use a
> syntax-highlighting editor. But that's all.
Yes, I knew ;-) It was sure!!
> Sure I have errors in my code. But I find them quickly. But I can
> write and debug it faster than a lot of people can write with an IDE.
Yes, because YOU are the best! Congratulations!
> That's why I get paid well for what I do.
I don't think you are paid to develop any kind of applications!! This
is again sure!
> And no - I don't use autocompletion. I've tried it in the past - and
> always turned it off. It gets in the way too much. I'm a touch typist
> and seldom look at the screen.
Of course.... Congratulations ;-)
> Having a tool such as CVS has nothing to do with this conversation.
Yes, it is, but I understand that you do not understand
> But no, I don't need all those "tools" you require.
Of course not, you are the best. And I agree that you do need any
tools in a team of 5 people with:
- you
- you
- you
- you
- and... you
> I told you. Brain 1.0. But in your case it sounds like it's still in
> alpha test.
Yes, I'm trying to get the beta one ;-)
I know that you have Brain 12.9 and to tell you the true, I am really
Great threads ;-)
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