Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 05/01/07 12:18
blessblessbless@gmail.com wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am creating a code out of bits and pieces I found in somebody else's
> code, so I am not entirely sure how it behaves.
> <IMG SRC="picture.php?ID=1029&THUMB=yes">
> picture.php:
> <?
> Header( "Content-type: image/jpg");
> $linkID = mysql_connect("host", "user", "password");
> mysql_select_db("database", $linkID);
> if(isset($_GET['ID'])){$ID=$_GET['ID'];}else{$ID=0;}
> $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM picture_base WHERE ID=$ID") or
> die("Can't perform Query");
> $row=mysql_fetch_object($result);
> if(isset( $_GET['THUMB']){echo $row->THUMB}else{echo $row->IMG;}
> ?>
> The script works and displays pictures properly so I am happy with it.
> Its small and simple enough, my question is if not every site is
> saving their pictures in databases there must be a reason why, yes?
> And if I load picture.php?ID=1029&THUMB=yes as opposed to picture.php?
> ID=1029, will the script still load through the full sized image (in
> the IMG collum) and will that effect my traffic?
> thank you
I've been storing everything from scanned documents to pictures in
databases for over 20 years. It works fine. And the larger the number
of images, the better it outperforms a file system.
For instance - how many file systems do you know can manage 100K files
in a single directory? A RDB can easily handle 10M pictures. There's
no "stress" on the database. But it can be a lot of "stress" on a file
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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