Posted by Vicente Werner on 09/30/95 11:20
if you want to use multiple languages I suggest that you make use of
locale's instead of that, it simply dosn't worth the trouble.
PD:Even better if you use UTF-8 enabled locale's
On 7/4/05, Fredrik Arild Takle <ftakle@go-publish.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> {$smarty.now|date_format:"%A"} returns Monday on my system. Before I started
> using Smarty I wrote a little php function that translates daynumber into
> dayname (in my native language).
> Is there any config files where I can set dayname in my native language or
> should I continue to use my php-function?
> Best Regards
> Fredrik A. Takle
> Bergen, Norway
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