Posted by Rami Elomaa on 05/01/07 21:32
ELINTPimp kirjoitti:
> Hello all,
> Have a really interesting problem (at least to me) with my
> upload_file() function. I have it working now, with a bit of a work
> around, but would like to know what everyone thinks in regards to this
> being a bug or perhaps my ignorance. Basically the function takes two
> arguments, one is the desired file path I want the upload file to be
> moved to, and the second is an arbitrary integer. If the file doesn't
> already exist, the file is moved just fine, it returns the file name,
> and it the CSV file is displayed via the parse_csv function. However,
> when the file already exists in the upload directory, the file name is
> appended with "_".$i, and returns the name and $i++ value to the
> upload_file() function and loops around until a unique name is found.
> When one is found, it DOES move the file and assign the file path/name
> to the $target_path variable (verified with an echo statement and
> seeing the files in the directory) but it refuses to return the value
> of $target_path from the function. This only occurs if the file name
> originally existed and needed to go through my re-naming process.
> Basically what I had to do to get it to work was to assign the file
> path/name to the global $file variable and pass that to the parse_csv
> function. I was never able to get: return $target_path; to work when
> the file name originally existed and I had to append the name.
> My question is why this wasn't working? Thoughts are that it may be a
> possibly PHP bug with the way it points to the memory when returning
> the value.
> Thanks for the help,
> Steve Siebert
> try {
> $i = 0;
> $file = "D:\\bnm\\www\\systems_management\\asset_management\\uploads\
> \".basename($_FILES['upload_asset']['name']);
> $file_path = upload_file($file, $i);
> parse_csv($file_path);
> }
> catch (Exception $e) {
> echo "ERROR UPLOADING FILE: ".$e->getMessage()."\n";
> }
> }
> function parse_csv ($file_path) {
> $row = 1;
> echo "<table rules='all' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
> if ($handle = fopen($file_path, "r")) {
> while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ",")) !== FALSE) {
> echo "<tr>\n";
> $num = count($data);
> for ($c=0; $c < $num; $c++) {
> if ($row == 1) {
> echo "<td class='csv_head'>".$data[$c]."</td>\n";
> }
> else {
> if (is_null($data[$c])) {
> echo "<td class='csv_data'> </td>\n";
> }
> else {
> echo "<td class='csv_data'>".$data[$c]."</td>\n";
> }
> }
> }
> echo "</tr>\n";
> $row++;
> }
> echo "</table>";
> echo $row." records returned.";
> }
> fclose($handle);
> } // end parse_csv() function
> function upload_file($target_path, $i) {
> if (!file_exists($target_path))
> {
> if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_asset']['tmp_name'],
> $target_path)) {
> return $target_path;
> }
> else {
> throw new Exception ("Unable to move file to upload directory.
> Upload filed.");
> }
> }
> else {
> /* ## if the uploaded file name is already used, add a "version
> number" to the end of the file.
> ## This loops through the upload_file() function until the file
> has a unique name. */
> if (!isset($file)) {
> global $file;
> }
> list($new_name, $ext) = explode('.', $file);
> $new_name = $new_name."_".$i.".".$ext;
> $i++;
> upload_file($new_name, $i);
you need to return this, ie. return uploaded_file(...);
> }
> } // end upload_file() function
I think doing this with recursion is a bit unnecessary, a simple loop
would do fine, but since you want to use recursion, at least use it
right and return the recursive call.
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