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Re: Writing Barcodes

Posted by KDawg44 on 05/02/07 12:38

On May 1, 5:37 pm, Hendri Kurniawan <> wrote:
> KDawg44 wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to write a page that creates some barcodes using the PEAR
> > Image_Barcode module. I am getting one barcode to write just fine
> > but it will not print out any more than one and will not print any
> > text on the page.
> <----- SNIP -------->
> > How do I get it so I can write HTML to the same page as my barcode? I
> > am writing something very simple to play with this to start and only
> > one barcode is printing.
> > <?php
> > require("Image/Barcode.php");
> > $bc = new Image_Barcode;
> > $bc->draw("BE1029", "Code39", "png");
> > $bc->draw("BE1020", "Code39", "png");
> > echo "hello"
> > ?>
> <----- SNIP -------->
> IMHO, because the class from PEAR actually putting out an image, it
> ultimately behaves as an image contenttype=image/png (or something like
> that).
> So in order to have 2 or more barcodes on your page, or text, you chould
> write another php (even html) that utilizes that your current barcode
> script.
> Example:
> create-barcode.php
> <?php
> require("Image/Barcode.php");
> $bc = new Image_Barcode;
> $bc->draw($_REQUEST['param1'], $_REQUEST['param2'], "png");
> ?>
> index.html
> <html>
> <!-- This is the first barcode -->
> <img src="create-barcode.php?param1=BE1029&param2=Code39" />
> <!-- This is the second barcode -->
> <img src="create-barcode.php?param1=BE1020&param2=Code39" />
> <!-- This is just text -->
> Hello
> </html>
> PLEASE NOTE: That the script that i put there is just an example of how
> it can be done, without the consideration of other security measures.
> Hendri Kurniawan

Thanks very much!



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