Posted by Blinky the Shark on 10/07/75 11:20
Daniel R. Tobias wrote:
> Steve Horrillo wrote:
>> You need to get Newsrover and that will end your confusion.
> First, we all got "treated" to Web sites that had lines like "Best
> Viewed with [browser name] version [number] at [number]x[number]
> resolution on [platform]", telling us that we were second-class citizens
> because our browser/platform/screen of choice differed.
> Next, we got spam e-mails that emulated this by telling us to upgrade
> our mail program to properly view their ads, if we had the effrontery
> to, for instance, use a mail program that is configured to display the
> plain-text version of a multipart message instead of the HTML one.
> Now, even Usenet isn't free of this, as we have posts like yours that
> tell us that they're best viewed in the author's favorite newsreader!
> Where will this end?
In the bin, with Horrillo? :)
Blinky Linux Registered User 297263
Killing all Usenet posts from Google Groups
Info: http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html
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