Posted by vic on 05/04/07 15:13
I recently moved and changed my ISP. This resulted in having to redo
several web pages and uploading to my new ISP.
I have not had my new web pages picked up by Googles search engine,
even though I submitted them last January
My pages were always at the top of searches on the subject search (The
Nea Hellas, a greek steamship of the early 20th century)
I would greatly appreciate it if I could get a critique of the meta
tags I am using on the top of html source page copied below. Any
suggestions or comments on improving the meta tags would greatly be
The URL of the website page is http://home.comcast.net/~idreos/MemoriesNH.htm
Thanks for your help
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;
<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Microsoft Word 97">
<TITLE>Memories of the Greek Line's Nea Hellas 1939-1955</TITLE>
<META NAME="nea hellas, tuscania, greek passenger liners, ocean
liners, greek ships, greek immigration, piraeus, greek line, greek
americans" CONTENT="GREEK">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="memories of those who traveled on
the steamship Nea Hellas and who remember her fondly">
<META NAME="Template" CONTENT="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office
<BODY LINK="#0000ff" VLINK="#800080" BGCOLOR="#ffcc99">
<FONT FACE="Lucida Handwriting" SIZE=6 COLOR="#0000ff"><P
<P ALIGN="CENTER">of the</P>
FONT><FONT SIZE=6>Nea Hellas</P>
</FONT><B><I><FONT FACE="Book Antiqua" SIZE=4 COLOR="#000080"><P
ALIGN="CENTER">.To many millions of Greeks, the steamship Nea Hellas
was the ship of dreams. Many of those who were looking for a piece of
their family's distant past have been kind enough to email me their
memories of this ship. I thank them for sharing their recollections,
and thereby adding to her history. If you have any personal memories,
personal photographs or memorabilia from a voyage aboard the Nea
Hellas, Tuscania or the New York, please contact me through the email
link at the end of this web page and I will include them in future
</B></I></FONT><P ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC=" http://home.comcast.net/~idreos/PC.jpg"
WIDTH=570 HEIGHT=409></P>
<FONT SIZE=4><P ALIGN="CENTER">This rare color photo is from 1956. She
was 34 years old, and had 5 years left. The long era of trans Atlantic
travel via steamship was coming to an end. </P>
</FONT><B><FONT FACE="Castellar" SIZE=2 COLOR="#ff0000"><P
</B></FONT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR="#000080"><P ALIGN="CENTER"> </
FONT><B><FONT FACE="Castellar" SIZE=2 COLOR="#ff0000">We are very
fortunate to have received a unique contribution from a German
immigrant who came to the United States a half century ago on the
T.S.S. New York. This generous gift is a video made from a film on a
crossing from Bremerhaven, West Germany to New York City in October of
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