Posted by Rami Elomaa on 05/04/07 18:56
Erwin Moller kirjoitti:
> Simon Stewart wrote:
>> Art
>> Try something like this.
>> $holdchk= (strlen ($_POST['B1'])>0 and strlen($_POST['app_fname'])==0);
>> $action= ($holdchk)? "some.php": "other.php";
>> echo "<form method='POST' action='$action'>";
>> avoid isset and empty
> Why avoid isset?
I don't think he knows what he's talking about. isset is essential.
> I use that function in every script that receives clientinformation...
> Couldn't live without it.
Same here. And it's really handy when using forms with multiple submit
buttons, to see which was pressed. (print, edit, delete, for example.)
> Personally I think your posted code is a bad example on how to solve it...
> You need to read it twice and rethink it. Clear code is better and happens
> to use isset().
Yeah, the example is indeed a bit messy. And concidering the level of
the OP, it's no help at all, it only confuses more. The OP requires the
"php for dummies" answer.
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