Posted by Piotr on 05/05/07 16:51
Sir Galahad napisał(a):
> Hi guys!!
> Surfing thw web looking for a PHP IDE, I've found those 7 IDEs:
> 0) PHP IDE Project
> 1) PHPEclipse
> 2) ActiveState's Komodo
> 3) PHP Designer
> 4) NuSphere's PhpED
> 5) PHPEdit
> 6) Zend Studio
> Now.. before trying any of them, I would like to know if anyone here is
> already coding with an IDE support and if so, what of them? Are there
> other IDEs? What are "the best"? What are "pros" and "cons"??
> Thanks a lot for precious suggestions!!
> Sir Galahad
I recomend Eclipse PDT (Eclipse PHP project).
Eclipse is great platform and the base of PDT will be used in future
Zend Studio as well.
The community of this IDE is quite large so you wont have trouble
finding most answers.
PDT is now at 0.7 and based on Eclipse 3.2. Final version is expected
this september.
PDT suports Zend plugin for debuging, there is also Xdebug plugin.
Editor itself suports most features people usualy want,
and you can customize it.
Give it a try.
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