Posted by Hugo Kornelis on 05/05/07 20:31
On Fri, 04 May 2007 15:25:31 +0100, Laurence Breeze wrote:
>I've got around the immediate problem by deleting one of these entries
>from sysindexes and I've been able to create the index I wanted. All
>seems well, but is this likely to cause a problem ?
Hi Laurence,
Erland already wrote that this might cause inconsistency. I'll take it a
step further ans say that you probably HAVE caused inconsistency. One of
the things you'll probably have damaged is the admnistration of free and
allocated disk space. You might also have caused further damage.
I'd advice you to execute a DBCC CHECKDB immediately, and make sure that
you know where you stored the most recent backup of your database as it
might, if you're unlucky, even be damaged beyond repair.
Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
My SQL Server blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis
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